Block any site on the internet with a host file in your pc. which blocks the sites and make not accessing it
In my previous post i have showed you some basic about addons. And today's topic is totally different.
Before Going into mail action we need to know some basic about the file called "Host files"
What is HOST ?
In simple words we can say host file is used to map a domains and host names by a operating system,
here is a example how the host file works:
Suppose you are connecting to google or facebook by entering the address in a browser and now the browser will look into the host file with the keyword "" or "" is located or some times using the ip address too of corresponding domain, if there is no such entries it will connect the request to DNS [Domain Name System] and obtain the ip address
of the domain.
of the domain.
This you can see while the website loads , usually on the left bottom of your browser.
So here it comes host is one of the important file using this we can control the sites by blocking or making it work.
So here it comes host is one of the important file using this we can control the sites by blocking or making it work.
How to make it work
Before doing any changes in host file make a backup and save in local disk.
- Navigate to C:>windows>sys32>drives>etc>host
- Open "host" with Notepad+ or Notepad with Admin rights
- Now add this line "" at the bottom of the host
- Here "" is the main part and next to it add the domain name or ip address of the domain.
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- Editing the host part over now lets check the trick working .
- Enter in your browser and check, if you have saved your host properly then the page wont open and let you go in, it ll show error message like this
Incoming Searches:
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